Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The beginning of the end...

Welcome to my blog!  I have gone back and forth about starting a blog for a few months and here I am, finally starting a blog, that's primarily about the biggest struggle thus far in my life.  I mostly wanted to start this blog because I find it extremely frustrating that I'm 26 (22 when we started trying to conceive) and I can't find women my age to relate to.  I'm hoping this blog will help women my age know that they're not alone.

The good stuff....

My name is Ashli, my husband is Jason.  We've been together since June of 2011 and trying to conceive since October 2011.  We were engaged in April of 2012, got married in November of 2013, and had our wedding ceremony in June of 2014.  I'm 26 and my husband is 41 but when we started trying we were 22 and 37.  We have a fur baby named Rupert who we just love so much!  He's not so much a baby anymore but he'll always be my baby.  He is a huge part of what gets me through my bad days.  When I come home, he's there to greet me and I'm so grateful for him! 

So now for the bad stuff...

We started trying naturally in October of 2011.  After 6 months of no success I suspected that something may be going on.  I went to my OBGYN and she told me that I was too young to get treatment, but that in 6 months if we still hadn't had success to come back and she would refer me to a reproductive endocrinologist.  I was annoyed by this, but this is the norm, so I went on my way and kept trying.  I got involved on infertility forums and decided to try preseed, temping(BBT), ovulation prediction kits(OPKs).  I would run around town completely naked at that point if someone told me it would ensure a pregnancy. Six months passed and still no sign of a baby.  

I was finally referred to a RE and got started. They did blood work and found out that I had elevated levels of prolactin, a chemical produced by the pituitary gland that helps with ovulation.  If it is too high you're not able to ovulate or you have "weak" ovulation.  The doctor ordered a MRI of my brain and they found a adenoma on my pituitary gland that was causing the elevated prolactin.  I was put on dostinex and that's when things started getting good.

10/20/2011 - MRI - adenoma on pituitary, very small.  Put on dostinex to get levels to normal level.

10/24/2011 - HSG - tubes open, yes! 

03/05/2012 - First IUI! 50mg clomid CD 3-7.  I was so exciting, thinking that now because my prolactin was under control I would get pregnant so easily!  Ha!  I was so wrong.  BFN (big fat negative).

04/03/2012 - Second IUI. 100mg clomid CD 3-7.  I was happy they increased my dose but not very optimistic that it was going to work.  BFN.

05/04/2012 - Third IUI. 100mg clomid CD 3-7.  I was just waiting to get this over so I could move onto IVF or IUI w/ injectables.  BFN.

06/06/2012 - Fourth IUI! This time with injectables, GonalF/Ovidrel trigger.  I was very excited this time because we were doing something new.  BFN.

08/06/2012 - Fifth IUI.  Same injectables.  BFN.

09/03/2012 - Sixth IUI.  Same injectables.  BFN.

I had to go through 6 IUIs before our insurance company would pay for IVF.

11/02/2012 - ER.  First IVF!  Lupron/Menopur/GonalF/Ovidrel trigger.  25 eggs retrieved - 10 fertilized normally.  5 day transfer of 2 blastocysts. No frozen embryos.  BFN. 

02/27/2013 - ER.  Second IVF.  Same medications.  25 eggs - 16 mature - 7 fertilized through ICSI.  5 day transfer of 2 blastocysts.  1 frozen embryo.  BFN.

05/17/2013 - ER. Third IVF.  Lupron/Menopur/Gonal F/HCG trigger.  28 eggs - 14 mature - 12 fertilized through ICSI.  5 day transfer of 2 blastocysts.  1 frozen embryo.  BFN.

09/25/2014 - ET.  FIrst FET.  Estrace.  Transferred 2 frozen embryos.  BFN.  

Completely devastated.  Went through a tough week or so after the failed FET.  Didn't know wether I was going to move onto adoption or keeping trying for my own biological child.  After a lot of reflection Jason and I decided to go to CCRM since they have the best rates in the country.  Since this may be my last try I want to have the best chance of conception.  

Sorry for the long post, just wanted to get the back story out of the way.  Thanks for reading!  

xo Ashli 


  1. Hi Hun, it's Eveclo from BabyandBump.

    Good on you for starting a blog! I tossed around with the idea for ages but after our last Failed Cycle I decided the time had come! Just got completely over it and needed somewhere to vent my deepest emotions to stop my husband from going crazy! ;)

    Your story is amazingly similar, we have done 4 cycles (2 fresh, 2 frozen) and they have all been a BFN which is a shame! Currently waiting to start our 3rd fresh cycle (5th cycle all up i guess - HATE saying that though!) and EPU should be December ish.

    Hope all is well with you! :) I'll be checking in often to see how you're going x

  2. Yay! My first follower. Welcome to my blog :D I'm so sorry you've been through just as many cycles as me ... it's really the worst feeling in the world. It is so terrible and hard when you keep trying and keep getting let down. But ... we must push forward! I will try to find your blog and follow. EPU? Sorry not familiar with this acronym. Where are you doing your 5th (ugh!) cycle at? Best of luck!

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